For those that are looking for a quality place to read, you have stumbled upon the wrong place. Click you browser's back button quickly or you will be sucked into a mystical maze of mumbling by a pure idiot. Should you think you are up for the task of staying, enjoy, or poke fun. Both are welcome distractions to the day.
This is my opening blog, yes, first time ever, and has been inspired by a not so subtle suggestion from my virtual pal Itchy Dog, author of the Olive the Woolly Bugger books for kids. If you have not yet checked his books out, you should. A great read for kids of all ages, you read it to them and they learn, or they read it to you and you learn. I guess you could also be like me and read them for yourself and learn.
There will be more to follow as I postulate where I'll fish next and which of my poor unsuspecting friends will I bore with my presence. I have had a good year fly fishing and I hope to share some high and low points for those that might come back and poke around here and there.
I can tell that you're writing this on a Mac.
ReplyDeleteIt is not that this is coming together piecemeal because it is on a PC or a Mac, it is because I have no idea what the heck I'm doing.
ReplyDeleteThis ought to be good...
ReplyDeleteI could tell because of the lisp.