Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wild Steelhead on the Menu


I have no idea who may happen upon my blog's waste of space on the internet, my means of passing idle time. What I do know is that sometimes you can read something in an abstract location and it can key you in to something you were unaware of before.

Wild Steelhead are threatened or endangered throughout the world. We are talking about wild fish, those not reared in concrete retaining ponds destined to add numbers to the dwindling wild stocks. Those hatchery fish, or commercially farmed fish are designed to be caught, removed from the river system and fed to those interested in the meal.

I'm talking about Wild Steelhead. Those that harvest them, through commercial netting, recreational angling (yes, some places you can catch and keep those...which is wrong...but a different rant) or by tribal gill netting programs are putting pressure on a dwindling resource.

For those that find wild steelhead listed on a menu. Please be responsible, even if you could care less about fish or fishing. Please inqure as to the source of those fish. If they are from a commercial farm raised fish supply often called "wild" they really aren't, enjoy your meal. If the wild fish are truly wild, caught by the tribes in gill nets or commmercial harvesting, please boycot this meal and this establishment until they get the message.

When everyone stops eating wild steelhead, eliminating the demand, then the supply source will dwindle or maybe go away entirely. Save the wild steelhead, they are a precious and rare fish, each spawing run unique to its home watershed. We have already pushed them to the brink of extinction, please prevent them from being pushed further. My children and their children deserve to greet this native creature in its natural habitat, not in some museum.

People who care about the world and its creatures would not eat wild steelhead or tolerate those that do or would. Thank you.

An organization that is focused on preservation of wild steelhead stocks:
Wild Steelhead Coalition

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